Alcon Custom Pak

iPad application that helps employees create custom packages of medical equipment and gear based on specific medical procedures. The app digitizes the previously paper-based and spreadsheet processes, allowing sales representatives to coordinate packages directly during meetings with surgeons and chief physicians. It also simplifies communication between U.S. managers and regional teams.

2022 ∙ Middle Product Designer


Alcon wants to simplify and speed up how sales reps create custom CPAK packages. Currently, it's a slow, manual process using paper catalogs and handwritten notes. The new system aims to streamline this, enhance customer experience, and build stronger loyalty.


Developed and tested an MVP app with sales reps, including a 3D proof of concept. The app lets reps use a digital catalog during meetings, send CPAK configurations for approval, display 3D packaging visuals, manage multiple clients, and reuse previous packages as templates—speeding up the entire process.


User Interviews

To understand the workflows of sales representatives and the internal company processes for forming CPAK packages, we conducted 23 interviews with sales reps from the USA, Europe, and Asia. These interviews helped us identify the key challenges they face when interacting with clients and managers. The insights gained were crucial in shaping our vision for the future product.



After gathering extensive information on user processes and the challenges they face, we created personas representing the two key user roles of the application. These personas helped us focus on their specific needs and problems, guiding the team in designing the product.

Journey Maps

Using the data collected on user processes and problems, we created a journey map depicting the workflows of sales representatives from the USA and Japan. This revealed that managers in Asia face additional challenges, such as translating medical equipment names and dealing with time zone differences that slow down approvals. The journey map helped us identify and address the issues across all user roles and segments during product design.


System Workflow Diagram

Диаграмма отражает возможности приложения, для разных ролей. Ключевая функциональность отмечена цветами на диаграмме.


На основе user flow и диаграммы работы системы мы спроектировали ваерфреймы которые отражают ключевые сценарии работы с приложением.


Design Concept

На основе дизайн стилей компании мы сформировали дизайн концепцию продукта для согласования и проверки дизайн решений с пользователями.

Catalog Concept

CPAK Designer

Proof Of Concept

Для проверки видения продукта и ключевой функциональности, мы разработали PoC. Веб версия приложения включает ключевую функциональность для того чтобы проверить его работу и отношение пользователей к продукту.

Proof Of Concept


На основе существующих дизайн элементов и стилей, мы спроектировали интерфейс приожения, протестировали и внесли необходимые улучшения для того чтобы выпустить MVP продукта.



Bill Of Materials

CPAK Designer


Дизайн концепцию и Proof Of Concept мы проверили с пользователями и определили ключевые проблемы с которыми они сталкиваются.

Design System

У компании существует несколько продуктов, дизайн система которых была взята за основу для нового продукта, часть элементов и компонентов мы допроектировали.


Colors & Text
